Monday 13 July 2009

The Tale Bearer.....6" x 9", Mixed Media on White Cardboard, 2006

Now this transformation was done 3 years ago! I can't remember the process but all can remember was that she was an old woman and she played gossip, all the way from London Bridge to Abbey Wood. I seem to have lost the twinkle of desire in her eyes as she told the story in the colour transformation but it is more apparent in the sketch.

The materials used for the transformation were brown coloured pencils, white gouache(dry brush) for highlights and a bit of Biro for some lines. The order and manner at which I attacked the piece cannot be remembered. But please enjoy the transformation which was done this time in more of a monochrome feel without any colour references but just a pure passion for the human face!


David Larson Evans said...

One word comes to mind...Soulful.

adebanji said...

Thanks David! I haven't heard that word in a while!