Tuesday 6 July 2010

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT II, 8" x 6", mixed media on gessoed card, 2010

This is another transformation of my sketches to colour. I worked from memory with some notes I added on my sketch.

Here I used this sketch as a springboard and went a bit wild with my imagination.

This is how I went about it.

1.I sketched the face on a lightly ochre/brown washed toned surface, with a mixture of Terra Rosa and ultramarine blue.

2. Working this way brings an immediate harmony to the piece as the browns and ochers quickly form a warm colour scheme.

3. Then I used very light washes of skin tones to throw the interplay of light and shade on her face.

4. After this I used a very small sable rigger to put the main features in with delicate touches.

5. Now, I added in the dark "hoody" she had on, and the light beige jacket she was wearing, after this it looked OK and I thought it was fine and finished. I had left the background as the initial wash of ochre/brown, but it didn't bring out her face, there was some sort of clash.

6. So I decided to darken the background, that helped a bit. Then I did a bit of
scratching back with my Biro to enhance some lines and her hair.

7. Then I introduced coloured pencil marks when the piece was touch dry. This helped to spice up the value balance and add a varied mark to the oil brush-strokes.

8. Finally I added more wild strokes with my coloured pencil to spice up the background, so it would have a spontaneous effect that goes along with the title I planned to give the piece.


Sadami said...

Dear Adebanji,
Very fascinating to know a process. Thank you for sharing the precious information.

adebanji said...

Thanks Sadami-"Dear Adebanji,
Very fascinating to know a process. Thank you for sharing the precious information.

jesusest@gmail.com said...

Good work Adebanji,you are in proving very fast.Cheers

adebanji said...

Thanks Jesus Estevez!

SKIZO said...

Fascinating work.
It has been delightful
to visit your gallery.
Good Creations

Anonymous said...

Hi Adebanji,
I liked your work, is simply wonderful.
I also use Winsor & Newton materials, are very good.
I will accompany more times.
Hugs from Brazil

Rachel said...

I loved exploring your blog. And as Sadami said, it is indeed very fascinating to know the process.

Gary Keimig said...

really great work. Wonderful portraiture

hmuxo said...

Amazing work! I always like to see your work in process...you seem to pick up their personality with your paintings.