This transformation was done with a clear purpose of demonstrating how great the new Winsor & Newton Artists Acrylics are. I did it while recording was going on so I didn't really have much time to think.
But I remember this was done with 3 colours- Cadmium Red, Ultramarine Blue, Lemon Yellow and Titanium White.
1. the method I used here was direct. As it was to finished in one sitting.
2. No colour references, just memory and a passion for faces.
3. I sketched the face from the sketch, which you can see is far more spirited in mood than anything my colours can produce!
4. Then with just the three colours at my disposal I mixed and mixed until I got what I wanted- Now this is no hit and miss game but calculated mixtures as I feel you can get all colours from just the primary three.
5. It started with mass colours. middle tones first then darks and then lights-Life is always easier when it has a structure!
6. The details were added succinctly
7. No water was used in this painting to mix and no medium just the wonderful lively acrylic paints!
8. I finished in about 25 minutes as it was a quick demo- you can see little parts of the video by clicking here